Kim Stephens – KMPH Local News Anchor

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How long have you lived  in Clovis? If you are not a native why did you chose Clovis?

I’ve lived in Clovis for 15 years (November 2019 will be 16 years.) I am not a native. When we moved to the Central Valley for my new job at FOX26, my husband, Rick, and I chose to live in Clovis because of the community and school district. And I will never be able to sing the praises loudly enough of my sons’ education at Red Bank and Clovis High!

Clovis is full of events year-round. Which is your favorite and why?

Clovis Fest will always have a special place in my heart because I remember we had just moved to our home in 2003 and early one Saturday morning we heard a strange noise. We looked outside to find a beautiful hot air balloon right above our house! But, I also LOVE Big Hat Days. It’s where I get my summer cowboy hat, shop for treasures and …. get my favorite kettle corn. ( I admit to having a bit of an addiction.) …I also love the farmers markets – both of them, Friday nights and Saturday mornings. I remember taking my two young boys every Friday to load up on fruit that we’d eat while sitting on the curb with juice dripping down our arms. I love this place and just feel so blessed to have raised my sons in this community!

You have a friend visiting Clovis. Where is the one place you have to take them for a favorite meal?

El Pueblito. We just love the family. We have many special memories there. The other go-to is Yosemite Falls Café. Everyone treats us like family. (Rick and I keep our favorite Trelio to ourselves.)

What does the Clovis Way of Life mean to you?

It means the safe, happy, hopeful, comfortable family life my husband and I specifically moved here for. A place where our kids could be raised with a stay at home parent, just like Rick and I were. Where our kids would be challenged in school, inspired to continue to learn and find the person they want to be.

You have covered stories from all over the state. What makes Clovis unique?

I’ve lived in wonderful communities all over the country – The Bay Area (San Rafael where I grew up, San Jose when I worked at KNTV), Chico (where I went to school), Towson, MD (for a semester in college), Bakersfield (my first TV job at KERO), Knoxville, TN (3 jobs in TV and Master of Science degree at University of TN), and we’ve always made each place our home. We grow roots. As a reporter, I work to show respect for everyone I interview. I have found to receive that respect and kindness back here in Clovis.

You have a day all to yourself to spend in Clovis. How do you spend your day?

I just want to stroll through Old Town. I haven’t done that in a long time. I’ve run and in and out for appointments or to buy someone a great gift, but I always say I want to just meander with no schedule or time limit.